Welcome to a Healthy Life

This blog is all about fitness and health. We should all strive to live a healthy life, to reach and maintain our healthy body weight, to eat healthy every day and to prevent ailments.
You can also visit The Health Fitness Map where you will be guided into working out a plan or route to achieve your goals.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

Although the causes of Alzheimer’s disease are unknown, research have shown that sufferers typically also suffer from nutritional deficiencies. It is mostly the B vitamins and the antioxidant vitamins A and E that are lacking. Aluminium, although not a heavy metal, can be toxic even in small amounts, if it is deposited in the brain. There is evidence to suggest that aluminium accumulation in the brain over the long term might contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

It is very difficult to avoid aluminium intake or absorption. Aluminium is the most abundant metallic element in the earth’s crust. It is absorbed into the body through the digestive tract, through the lungs and through the skin, where it then accumulates in the body tissues.
Aluminium is found in varying amounts in most food and water. Municipal water supplies is a prominent source of aluminium. It is used in the manufacturing of cookware and cooking utensils and foil. It is included in many over-the-counter drugs. It is an additive in many food sources, it is present in toothpaste and in table salt. It is estimated that the average person ingests about three to ten milligrams of aluminium per day.

What can be done to avoid or reduce aluminium ingestion and toxicity?

  1. Use only stainless steel, iron or glass cookware and utensils.
  2. Maintain a high fibre diet.
  3. Read labels and avoid products that contain aluminium in any form.
  4. Use garlic in food because it acts as a detoxifier.
  5. Lecithin granules aids in the healing of the brain and cell membranes.
  6. Calsium and magnesium bind with aluminium and eliminate it from the body.
It is thus important to always maintain a healthy diet, consisting of mostly raw vegetables and fruit and to take the necessary supplements day in and day out.

MS du Toit has always been interested in all things related to health, weight control and fitness and has been researching and writing on these topics. Her web site Health and Fitness Map also covers topics like natural remedies, nutrition

The Acid Alkaline Balance of the Body

The acidity and alkalinity of the body are measured according to the pH scale. Water, which is considered to be neutral has a pH of 7. The pH range for the body should be between 6 and 6.8.
You can test your own pH by applying saliva and / or urine to litmus paper, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The red paper will turn blue if it is alkaline and the blue paper will turn red if it is acidic.

If the body fluids are more acidic the condition is called acidosis and if it is more alkaline, it is called alkalosis. It is important that the pH should be in balance, neither too acidic nor too alkaline. If you suffer from the condition of either acidosis or alkalosis, you should adapt your diet to get the acid-alkaline balance under control.

What are some of the symptoms of acidosis?

  1. Frequent sighing
  2. Insomnia
  3. Water retention
  4. Arthritis
  5. Migrain
  6. Very low blood pressure
  7. Sensitivity of the teeth to acidic fruits

What are some of the symptoms of alkalosis?

  1. Nervousness
  2. Hyperventilation
  3. Sore muscles
  4. Creaking joints
  5. Drowsiness
  6. Allergies
  7. Thick blood

It is important to remember that all of the above symptoms can also be because of other conditions. The simple pH test as described above should done to determine the condition. Both acidosis and alkalosis can have different causes, but one of the main causes is improper diet.
The pH balance can be restored by eating a diet of at least 50% raw food. It is recommended that to achieve and maintain a pH balance in the body, you should eat 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods. Most fruit and vegetables are alkaline forming, even though they may taste acidic like lemons and most animal products are acid-forming. It is therefor wise to indulge in raw fruit and vegetables, and to eat only enough animal products to get the necessary proteins.

MS du Toit has always been interested in all things related to health, weight control and fitness and has been researching and writing on these topics. Her web site Health and Fitness Map also covers topics like natural remedies, nutrition and diseases.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Breast Cancer Articles

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and is the second leading cause of cancer death in the USA. The number one leading cause of cancer death is lung cancer. If breast cancer is detected early, the survival rate for five years and beyond is very high.
There is no single answer as to what causes breast cancer, but breast cancer and the causes can be understood through the various risk factors.
To be able to detect breast cancer at an early stage, woman need to be aware of the warning signs of breast cancer and the early symptoms of breast cancer. Interestingly enough, cancerous lumps are usually pain-free. They are also firm and never go away. Although the vast majority of breast lumps are not cancerous, a biopsy is required to identify the lump.
There are different breast cancer types like inflamatory breast cancer, intraductal breast cancer and lobular breast cancer. There are also different breast cancer stages. (You can read more by clicking on the links.)
There are different breast cancer treatment options. Those may include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy or a combination of these.
But like I always say, prevention is better than cure, so it would be wise to start right where you are and get into the habit of regular exercise and a healthy eating plan. Look at all the risk factors, and lower your risk for breast cancer. If you are already a victim, read as much as possible - knowledge is power. Visit Life Fitness Map and follow the links.