Welcome to a Healthy Life

This blog is all about fitness and health. We should all strive to live a healthy life, to reach and maintain our healthy body weight, to eat healthy every day and to prevent ailments.
You can also visit The Health Fitness Map where you will be guided into working out a plan or route to achieve your goals.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to prevent wrinkles from forming

Wrinkles are the result of skin that thins and a loss of elasticity. While the skin is supple, the lines formed when frowning or smiling will disappear as soon as you stop frowning or smiling. On the other hand when the skin looses its suppleness it will retain those lines and with time those lines will form wrinkles.

Some amount of wrinkling will develop as you grow older. It is inevitable and you can do nothing about it. The first sign of wrinkles normally appears around the eyes and mouth. With age the skin becomes thinner and dryer and that mainly cause the wrinkles. There are other factors also involved which mainly determines the rate of wrinkle formation.

These factors include:

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Muscle tone
  • Facial expressions
  • Stress
  • Skin care
  • Exposure to the sun and environmental pollution
  • Smoking and other lifestyle habits

Of these factors, the exposure to the sun is probably the most important one. It dries the skin out and it leads to the generation of free radicals that damage the skin cells. Most sun damage is incured during everyday activities such as driving. Sun damage is cumulative, although not always obvious for many years.

Dermatologists are constantly searching for ways to prevent or treat wrinkles. They can perform a wide range of treatments such as facial peels, cosmetic surgery, laser treatments and BoTox. Most of these and other treatments can have negative side effects.

It is suggested that you rather follow some of the more natural treatments that do not have those negative side effects.

The following are recommended:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet with lots of raw fruit and vegetables.
  • Drink at least 2 litres of purified water per day.
  • Obtain fatty acids from cold-pressed vegetable oils.
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee and smoking. These only dry the skin out.
  • Protect yourself from the sun in all weather conditions. The UV rays are present even when it rains.
  • Get regular exercise to get a better blood circulation through your body.
  • Practice good skin care, avoiding harsh soaps and solid cleansing creams. Use natural oils instead, such as avocado oil.

Following these guidelines will not prevent the natural ageing process and wrinkle formation, but it will speed down the process.

Please visit: Health Fitness Map for more info on living healthy

Monday, April 20, 2009

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

Although the causes of Alzheimer’s disease are unknown, research have shown that sufferers typically also suffer from nutritional deficiencies. It is mostly the B vitamins and the antioxidant vitamins A and E that are lacking. Aluminium, although not a heavy metal, can be toxic even in small amounts, if it is deposited in the brain. There is evidence to suggest that aluminium accumulation in the brain over the long term might contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

It is very difficult to avoid aluminium intake or absorption. Aluminium is the most abundant metallic element in the earth’s crust. It is absorbed into the body through the digestive tract, through the lungs and through the skin, where it then accumulates in the body tissues.
Aluminium is found in varying amounts in most food and water. Municipal water supplies is a prominent source of aluminium. It is used in the manufacturing of cookware and cooking utensils and foil. It is included in many over-the-counter drugs. It is an additive in many food sources, it is present in toothpaste and in table salt. It is estimated that the average person ingests about three to ten milligrams of aluminium per day.

What can be done to avoid or reduce aluminium ingestion and toxicity?

  1. Use only stainless steel, iron or glass cookware and utensils.
  2. Maintain a high fibre diet.
  3. Read labels and avoid products that contain aluminium in any form.
  4. Use garlic in food because it acts as a detoxifier.
  5. Lecithin granules aids in the healing of the brain and cell membranes.
  6. Calsium and magnesium bind with aluminium and eliminate it from the body.
It is thus important to always maintain a healthy diet, consisting of mostly raw vegetables and fruit and to take the necessary supplements day in and day out.

MS du Toit has always been interested in all things related to health, weight control and fitness and has been researching and writing on these topics. Her web site Health and Fitness Map also covers topics like natural remedies, nutrition

The Acid Alkaline Balance of the Body

The acidity and alkalinity of the body are measured according to the pH scale. Water, which is considered to be neutral has a pH of 7. The pH range for the body should be between 6 and 6.8.
You can test your own pH by applying saliva and / or urine to litmus paper, which can be bought at any pharmacy. The red paper will turn blue if it is alkaline and the blue paper will turn red if it is acidic.

If the body fluids are more acidic the condition is called acidosis and if it is more alkaline, it is called alkalosis. It is important that the pH should be in balance, neither too acidic nor too alkaline. If you suffer from the condition of either acidosis or alkalosis, you should adapt your diet to get the acid-alkaline balance under control.

What are some of the symptoms of acidosis?

  1. Frequent sighing
  2. Insomnia
  3. Water retention
  4. Arthritis
  5. Migrain
  6. Very low blood pressure
  7. Sensitivity of the teeth to acidic fruits

What are some of the symptoms of alkalosis?

  1. Nervousness
  2. Hyperventilation
  3. Sore muscles
  4. Creaking joints
  5. Drowsiness
  6. Allergies
  7. Thick blood

It is important to remember that all of the above symptoms can also be because of other conditions. The simple pH test as described above should done to determine the condition. Both acidosis and alkalosis can have different causes, but one of the main causes is improper diet.
The pH balance can be restored by eating a diet of at least 50% raw food. It is recommended that to achieve and maintain a pH balance in the body, you should eat 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods. Most fruit and vegetables are alkaline forming, even though they may taste acidic like lemons and most animal products are acid-forming. It is therefor wise to indulge in raw fruit and vegetables, and to eat only enough animal products to get the necessary proteins.

MS du Toit has always been interested in all things related to health, weight control and fitness and has been researching and writing on these topics. Her web site Health and Fitness Map also covers topics like natural remedies, nutrition and diseases.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Breast Cancer Articles

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and is the second leading cause of cancer death in the USA. The number one leading cause of cancer death is lung cancer. If breast cancer is detected early, the survival rate for five years and beyond is very high.
There is no single answer as to what causes breast cancer, but breast cancer and the causes can be understood through the various risk factors.
To be able to detect breast cancer at an early stage, woman need to be aware of the warning signs of breast cancer and the early symptoms of breast cancer. Interestingly enough, cancerous lumps are usually pain-free. They are also firm and never go away. Although the vast majority of breast lumps are not cancerous, a biopsy is required to identify the lump.
There are different breast cancer types like inflamatory breast cancer, intraductal breast cancer and lobular breast cancer. There are also different breast cancer stages. (You can read more by clicking on the links.)
There are different breast cancer treatment options. Those may include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy or a combination of these.
But like I always say, prevention is better than cure, so it would be wise to start right where you are and get into the habit of regular exercise and a healthy eating plan. Look at all the risk factors, and lower your risk for breast cancer. If you are already a victim, read as much as possible - knowledge is power. Visit Life Fitness Map and follow the links.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The fight against obesity

What is obesity?

Obesity is just an excess of body fat. Normally any person who is 20 percent or more over the normal weight for his or her height, sex and age can be considered as obese. Being overweight is a contributing factor to many preventable ailments.

Why does obesity have a negative impact on the body?
Here are just seven of the many reasons why obesity is bad for the human body:

  1. Excess fat crowds the space of the internal organs so they can not function as they should.
  2. It puts additional stress on the neck, back and legs and all the joints.
  3. It increases the body’s resistance to insulin.
  4. It increases the body’s susceptibility to infections by lowering the immune system.
  5. It puts you at a higher risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and cancer.
  6. It can eventually lead to premature death.
  7. Obesity also lets one suffer psychologically because obese people are just treated differently than thin people.
There are some medical conditions that can cause obesity like glandular malfunctions, hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, but the most common causes for obesity are a poor diet and a lack of exercise.

Permanent weight loss is only possible when there is a lifetime commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Crash diets do not work. People who want to loose weight fast for whatever reason also gain it again just as fast, and they almost always gain more than they lost.

Here follows a few recommendations that can be implemented to start the lifelong fight against obesity:

  1. Eat a variety of foods consisting of a balance of proteins, complex carbohydrates and fat. Those are the building blocks of the body.
  2. Eat fresh fruits and lots of raw vegetables with each meal. It is recommended that each person consume at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. A good habit is to have one meal a day consisting of only fruit and vegetables.
  3. Never eat fried or greasy foods.
  4. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of purified water per day.
  5. Avoid saturated fat (mainly animal fat) and consume only unsaturated fat (plant oils) like olive oil.
  6. Do not eat white flour products.
  7. Avoid sugar. The best sweet product to use is raw honey.
  8. Do not eat before bedtime.
  9. Use extra fibre on a daily basis.
  10. Be active. Use every opportunity to be active like rather use the stairs than the elevator.
Once you get into a habit of healthy living, it gets easier. It is always good to ask a friend to join you. It is sometimes very hard to say no to certain foods, but one needs to think ahead and consider you own health and try to make the best decision every time. The fight against obesity is not an easy one.

The Essence of Therapy

The use of pure essential oils can enhance our mental and physical well-being. These aromatic oils can have many different applications in our lives. It can be used in conjunction with or as substitute for prescription or over-the-counter drugs, or it can just be used to make us feel better.

Our lives can be enriched by the sense of smell and through the use of aroma therapy we do just that. Essential oils affect our physical, mental and emotional conditions. Lavender oil, for example, can evoke and increase the release of serotonin which has a calming effect on the body. We can thus experience healing of emotions and feelings. Some oils also have healing properties when applied topically to the skin, like tea tree oil.

It is very easy to use essential oils. You just dilute a small amount of oil in a base. The base can be water or another oil, called a carrier oil. You then just apply the dilution topically or you inhale the aroma.

Typical carrier oils are:

  • Almond oil
  • Apricot oil
  • Grape seed oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Olive oil
The following is a list of essential oils that can be used to lift the spirit when you are experiencing difficult circumstances:

  • Bergamot
  • Clary Sage
  • Geranium
  • Grapefruit
  • Jasmine
  • Lavender
  • Orange
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood and
  • Ylang ylang

Friday, March 27, 2009

Healing from Within

It was Hippocrates who once said "A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings". He was so right when he said that, and we only really agree with that once illness strike. Many of us cannot even cope with a common cold. We run to the doctor with our first sneeze. We do not even try to fight the cold ourselves. The reason I believe, is a lack of knowledge of the inner power of healing.

Nature has provided us with an amazing immune system that has the power to combat any illness or disease, provided we take good care of our immune system. The problem is our modern lifestyle has caused us to be ignorent towards our immune system. We eat junk food, we abuse alcohol, we are dependent on all kinds of drugs and we live in a polluted environment coupled with all the stress in the world. Even though we live in an age where all the information in the world is freely available to everybody, we choose to be ignorent towards it. We choose to live the fast and instant life. Most of us have a profound lack of knowledge as to what our bodies need to function optimally and thus we find ourselves susceptible to all sorts of illnesses.

Nature has intended to provide us with all the right natural substances to fuel our immune systems and enable our bodies to function up to its fullest potential. The resources nature provides are whole foods, vitamins and minerals, enzymes and amino acids and phytochemicals. It is up to every individual to take up the responsibility of the maintenance of their health and in the treatment of disorders. Each person has the responsibility and ability to learn about nutrition and nurturing the immune system. Prevention is always better than cure, and if we take care of our inner healing power, our immune systems, then many of the chronic lifestyle diseases will not even touch us.

The human body is a very complex organism that has been given the ability to heal itself. We must listen to our bodies and respond with the right nourishment and care. Many of us have for many years abused our own bodies through smoking, abusing alcohol, unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. Even with all those abuse our bodies still serve us well for many years while crying out for better treatment. If we do not respond, then all of a sudden illnesses start to appear. But it is still not too late. If within the onset of illness, we would respond and nourish our immune systems, healing can start from within and years can be added to our lives.

Living Water

The average human body is composed of about 70 percent water, which can vary from one person to the next. You can only survive for about 3 to 5 days without water.

The role of water in the body

  1. Water functions as a transporter of nutrients throughout the body.
  2. It maintains normal body temperature through perspiration.
  3. Water carries waste products out of the body.
  4. It helps with digestion of food, absorption nutrients and minerals and with the circulation of blood through the veins.
It is therefor very important to replace the water that is continually being lost through sweating and elimination.

Inadequate water consumption can lead to the following:

  1. The body will be poisoned by its own metabolic wastes. Waste products will build up in the kidneys which will then be damaged.
  2. Oxygen and nutrients will not be carried to the cells.
  3. Water lubricates the joints and a lack of water thus enhances joint conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis.
  4. Lungs can be damaged because lung tissue must be moist for the intake of oxygen and the excretion of carbondioxcide.
  5. It may contribute to excess body fat and poor muscle tone.
  6. It can lead to poor functioning of the brain.
  7. A lack of water will enhance the ageing process.
  8. It can cause kidney stones, headache, constipation, obesity and many other ailments.
It is clear that a high consumption of pure, good quality water should be included in every healthy diet. It is recommended that a person should consume 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Unfortunately tap water is not always a good source and in most cases contains high quantities of heavy metal deposits and other substances. It is advisable to install a good quality water filter. If it is not possible then the water should at least be boiled before drinking it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to achieve your weight loss goals

Almost everybody gets to a point where they realise years have past, fat has build up and it is now or never. You must loose weight and you must loose it fast. Then you go on a crash diet. You loose the fat just to gain it again, most often with a little extra. Then comes crash diet number two. You loose and you gain. This pattern can continue for years and after each crash diet you gain more and more weight.

So how can you achieve your goals and maintain your ideal body weight after that? First of all you have to have achievable goals, which is also healthy. For any weight loss program to be successful you have to place special focus on your diet. If you only work out in a gym and eat as usual you will only be able to maintain your current weight or you will loose weight very slowly.
To achieve your goals you have to be very strict with your diet. It should still supply you with all the nutrients your body needs, but you should cut out all the non-contributing foods. That is food of no nutritional value to your body. Once you have achieved your goals you can return to a more flexible but healthy eating plan.

Plan in advance for every day’s meals and exercise plan. Take one day at a time. Many people reach a plateau in their fitness level and weight loss progress. This is the time to sit back and re-evaluate your goals, diet and exercise routines. Instead of becoming a little depressed about that, bring in some change. You can change your training session to a different time of day, you can change your training routine or you can ask a friend to join you so you can encourage each other.

What will also help is to read everything you can about the subject. You will get new ideas and discover new things that will inspire you and encourage you to keep it up. The important thing is to just press on and not give up. Once you break through that plateau, you will all of a sudden have more energy than ever before. Everything will just be easier and you will literally see yourself achieving your goals.

Your mind is where you will win this battle. To further help you, meditate on it everyday. Set aside 15 minutes to just sit back in a quiet place and meditate on that which you want to achieve. Fill yourself with positive thoughts about yourself. Speak it out loud and see yourself in the winning position. Once it is settled in your mind, nothing will stop you from reaching your goals.

Just what the doctor ordered

Nothing can replace the treatment of exercise. Exercise has the proven ability to prevent and treat a wide range of ailments. Regular physical activity can accelerate the body’s natural healing process. It also lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and strengthens the heart muscles and thus significantly reduces the risk of heart disease.

Physical exercise lets you feel better because the body releases endorphins which trigger positive feelings. People who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from depression and stress. It is also effective against hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer. It can delay the effects of ageing and ward off the common cold.

The good news is that exercise is freely available to all who can move and it does not have to cost a thing. You do not have to join a gym, you do not have to buy expensive equipment and you do not even need to buy special clothes. Yes, all those extras can help to make it easier and you can get more motivated, but you can have a good workout in your garden every day, with the added benefit of a beautiful garden. You can take the dog to a field and run and play with him for an hour.

The question many people ask is: how much exercise is enough? It is suggested by professional trainers that you should get at least 20 minutes of non-stop, vigorous exercise for three days of the week, or 30 minutes of moderate exercise for 5 days of the week. Further good news is that you can break up that 30 minutes of exercise per day into three 10 minute sessions, and you do not have to do it all on a treadmill. The best will be to also do another exercise in every session to make sure you get a whole body workout. Do some cardio training in one session, weight training in the next session and cardio in the last session again.

You will soon start feeling better in your mind and body and you will be a step closer to your ideal body weight.

10 Tips to live a better life

Life is full of choices and each person has the responsibility to make the right choices. You cannot make the right choices if you are not informed and do not have any knowledge about the certain situation. Our first responsibility therefor is to acquire the necessary knowledge. Here follows 10 tips or guidelines to help you make the right choices concerning eating habits. These are general healthy eating and disease prevention guidelines that everybody needs to apply in their daily living.

  1. Balance your calorie intake and your physical activity to achieve and maintain your healthy body weight. Each person’s healthy body weight differs from the next one. Find out what your healthy body weight is and make a goal to reach and maintain your healthy body weight this year. You should watch portion sizes and rather eat fresh and wholesome foods, while limiting snacking. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day for most days of the week.
  2. Consume a diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits, with five or more servings per day. If you can get hold of organically grown produce it will be so much better. Add to that dry beans, peas, lentils and soy.
  3. Choose whole grain and high fibre foods. Fibre is very important for cleansing the colon. Examples are wholemeal bread, rolled oats, barley, brown rice and popcorn.
  4. You should aim to eat oily fish at least twice a week. Choose salmon, pilchards, sardines, trout or herring.
  5. Limit your consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, trans-fatty acids and cholesterol. You should include unsaturated fats in your diet. Plant oils like olive oil, flaxseed oil, grape seed oil and canola are examples. Make sure to choose cold pressed oils when you shop.
  6. Your should limit your intake of food and beverages with added sugar or try to avoid it altogether.
  7. You should not completely cut out salt, but you should limit it. When you do use salt make sure it is pure sea salt.
  8. Consume alcohol in moderation. Drink 6 – 8 glasses of clean, filtered water every day.
  9. You should include a variety of foods in your diet to improve overall nutrition. It also makes dieting more interesting and fun.
  10. Take time to prepare your food with care and take time to sit down and enjoy your food. It is much better than to just grab something on the go.

If you follow these 10 guidelines for at least a month, you will start loosing weight, you will look and feel better and leaner, you will have more energy and you will be more positive about life in general. If you can make each of these guidelines a habit, you can also change it into a lifestyle. Following these guidelines will prevent many diseases and health conditions that could potentially make you life miserable.