Welcome to a Healthy Life

This blog is all about fitness and health. We should all strive to live a healthy life, to reach and maintain our healthy body weight, to eat healthy every day and to prevent ailments.
You can also visit The Health Fitness Map where you will be guided into working out a plan or route to achieve your goals.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to achieve your weight loss goals

Almost everybody gets to a point where they realise years have past, fat has build up and it is now or never. You must loose weight and you must loose it fast. Then you go on a crash diet. You loose the fat just to gain it again, most often with a little extra. Then comes crash diet number two. You loose and you gain. This pattern can continue for years and after each crash diet you gain more and more weight.

So how can you achieve your goals and maintain your ideal body weight after that? First of all you have to have achievable goals, which is also healthy. For any weight loss program to be successful you have to place special focus on your diet. If you only work out in a gym and eat as usual you will only be able to maintain your current weight or you will loose weight very slowly.
To achieve your goals you have to be very strict with your diet. It should still supply you with all the nutrients your body needs, but you should cut out all the non-contributing foods. That is food of no nutritional value to your body. Once you have achieved your goals you can return to a more flexible but healthy eating plan.

Plan in advance for every day’s meals and exercise plan. Take one day at a time. Many people reach a plateau in their fitness level and weight loss progress. This is the time to sit back and re-evaluate your goals, diet and exercise routines. Instead of becoming a little depressed about that, bring in some change. You can change your training session to a different time of day, you can change your training routine or you can ask a friend to join you so you can encourage each other.

What will also help is to read everything you can about the subject. You will get new ideas and discover new things that will inspire you and encourage you to keep it up. The important thing is to just press on and not give up. Once you break through that plateau, you will all of a sudden have more energy than ever before. Everything will just be easier and you will literally see yourself achieving your goals.

Your mind is where you will win this battle. To further help you, meditate on it everyday. Set aside 15 minutes to just sit back in a quiet place and meditate on that which you want to achieve. Fill yourself with positive thoughts about yourself. Speak it out loud and see yourself in the winning position. Once it is settled in your mind, nothing will stop you from reaching your goals.

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